Leeds United Managing Director Angus Kinnear has been speaking on the latest edition of The Athletic’s The Phil Hay Show about all things relating to the Whites.
One of the topics that he spent some time on was Leeds’ shirt sales.
It seems as if the club massively underestimated just how many people wanted to buy a Leeds shirt.
He said: (39:14) “We placed the kit order in November of the year before. So in November [2019], I think that was about the time I was being abused at QPR for not winning, and the team were never going to go up.
“So I think we placed an order that was somewhere in between a Championship order and a Premier League order to hedge it.
(39:41) “I think also being brutally honest; we probably underestimated the demand because I mean, the number of shirts we’re going to sell this year puts us way above every other club bar, the top six and in some places up there with the top six; the demand has just been astronomical.”
Do you think Leeds will sell even more shirts next season?
Yes, we have to

No, this was a one off

TIF Thoughts on Leeds’ shirt sales…
The Whites have struggled to keep up with demand this season, but it seems as if when they made the initial order, they didn’t want to order too many, perhaps in case they missed out on promotion.
So, to be fair to the Whites, it was probably a sensible decision, but obviously, after a 16-year absence from the Premier League, many Leeds fans were desperate to get their hands on a replica shirt.
Given that Leeds apparently matched some of the top six with shirt sales this season, you would think with the hopeful return of fans, demand could be even greater next season, which could only help the Whites’ finances.
In other news: ‘From both Paraag and Jed’ – Angus Kinnear drops positive 49ers information at Leeds